Tuesday, February 9, 2016

So I have been busy getting a couple books published on Amazon. I am going to be posting excerpts from these books for a few weeks for your enjoyment and edification. The books are available on Amazon.

Here is the first entry from Intentional Pauses Volume I.


Some will associate this word abandonment with a negative event that may have occurred in their life at some point. Others will find solace in this word. It is interesting to consider one word with two very different connotations. If this word is associated with distress in your vocabulary I will offer you an alternative association to bring balance to your struggle. The waves in this picture abandon themselves to the greater force of the sea. They are at the mercy of the great body of water that tugs them from shore to shore. Their beauty is not diminished in their abandonment, rather it is increased as each wave yields itself to be formed and absorbed as the sea would choose. As you yield yourself to your Creator and abandon your will to His will He is free to shape you and use you as He chooses. He forms you into a beautiful creation that you cannot yet imagine or fathom. His desire is that in your abandonment you can be conformed to His image and reflect His glory. When you consider this word abandonment in the future consider a ‘free-fall’ into His waiting arms of grace and allow Him to conform you more deeply into His image. Romans 12:2…be transformed (NLT)