Sunday, February 8, 2015

It has been a while since I have posted a blog in this space. I have been busy setting up a website for Navigating Authenticity that you can access at: I have also been finishing a book that will be a teaching tool I will use on the website. The book is about how life events over time cause each of us to build layers of protection for our core being. At some point in the journey we can even lose touch with our core. The book will give you snippets of life from a couple who experienced life's harshness and from a season in my own life. You will learn to navigate the hidden fortresses of your soul and reconnect with your authentic core. I am currently putting the finishing touches on the book and will be hosting a book launch team in the spring. I look forward to sharing this book with you and believe it will be a tool to assist you in your life journey. Blessings! Brenda

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