When you fall, do you see yourself as up, or getting up?
The book opens with the line: "I get up, I get up, I get up." Think for a minute about the last time you had a 'fall' or a 'fail'. For many, the internal dialogue begins to rehearse all the previous failures that have occurred along life's path. It requires intentionality to change the internal dialogue. It is indeed possible to change your outlook on the circumstances that impact you and me. The choice to change begins before the crisis occurs. A plan is established that will assist you in maneuvering the pitfalls that are inevitable in each life. Begin now to formulate a plan of how you can respond differently the next time you experience a 'fall'. As you apply this process over time it will become a habit and before long it will be automatic rather than focused redirection. So for now, decide how you would like your next situation to play out, make a plan and determine you will follow your plan.
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