Saturday, July 8, 2017

Re-Set, Chapter 1, Question 6

Life is so daily, a quote by a dear friend of mine from my book, Re-Set. Life has been filled with some twists and turns since posting question 5. As is true for most of us, the unexpected is around every corner. Look with me at question #6 from chapter 1.

What wounds has God allowed in order to produce in you the character that accurately reflects His Son, Jesus?

In Chapter 1 we looked at the concept of sharing our individual journey of pain in order to assist others in their journey through the lessons we have learned. The statement in the chapter says that at times our loving Creator will allow a wound in order to produce the character in us that accurately reflects the nature of Jesus.

It is not that we have a masochistic God that desires to harm us. On the contrary. He wishes to bless us however at times we get in the way of His plan. When we get a splinter we do what we can to remove the obstruction. In our character surgery by Holy Spirit at times a wound occurs. We can push back against the process of realignment that or we can evaluate what changes we need to make in order to move forward in our quest to be more like Christ.

Next time a wound occurs, step back, evaluate what opportunity you may have been given for realignment, ask for His help in making the changes that will propel you forward and celebrate whatever growth you realize, by trusting Him with and in the pain.